Monday, May 29, 2006

My Interactive Prototype

Having originally proposed an interactive prototype, finding out that i couldn't do and then reporting a paper prototype using the hueristic's and what not and then manage to work out ways, with the help of masters, come to the conclusion of an interactive prototype. I think all in all, this is pretty confusing but very cool!

Click to view an online version of the prototype- shockwave required

Thursday, May 25, 2006


After several ages of beating the computer with the director bible repeatabley and emailing my last years lecturer John Halpin from CSN for much needed wisdom and guideance it finally came together and works. My god, i have a 3D environment!!
Instructions Page
intro interface

Rotating the view and cursor indicating a hotspot
rotating the view

Sample Feedback Page

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Paper Prototype

Because i didnt have faith in whether i would not be able to complete an interactive prototype in director i felt during my research document, the practical phase, that it would be best to pursue a rapid paper prototype. A video scenario prototype was also considered after a tutorial with simon but in the end i only used the scenario as a basis for my paper prototype. A hueristic evaluation was also undertaken during the development of the prototype. This evaluation is included in the Appendix section of the research document.

Below is the scanned Paper Prototype:

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Abbey Books u legends!

Just picked the books.... They look great! Found a few niggly capitalisation mistakes and one or two spelling mistakes. All n all, they look like a form a pornography in their hard back glory! YUM!

Monday, May 15, 2006

Simon, sign off and tell me its golden!

This was cutting it fine. I had planed to be at the printers at 9am this morning to hand in my research document for printing and binding and then catch a lecture with simon about the upcoming exhibition. Unfortunately i got a little nervous and wanted to give it a final look over by a pro to make sure it was ok. After my nerves were calmed saw the it looks good face i ran for the door draggin jack and joe by the arms in order to make a speedy dash to catch the printers. WOO HOO!

Its over now right?!

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Prototyping - design Phase

The first 5 images are screens from the finalised design of the system.

Bellow are previous designs and test prototypes not talked about in the research document. These were more so for personal development and uderstanding of organising elements in 3D space.

Bellow is a mock up i made based on the window manager mentioned in my lit review developed in austrailia as part of a similar research project.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Some sketches for the prototype!

Monday, May 01, 2006

More tutorials

Seriously, lectures must be getting ill with the site of me coming back for tutorials with practically the same problems. I keep gettin side tracked and lost in what im doing, structure wise and content wise. I had to have another tutorial with Wendy to be reconfirm im on the right track and everything was hunky dory, and likewise with Simon. I figure its best to see both, 2 opinions are better tha none!

Wendy restructured my paper again, kinda gave it a nicer flow to the process and for the reader. Also simplified for my timid irish mind what each section heading actually means, and what content to put in each. This i was the best help ever because it was all so clear from this point on!

Simon again narrowed down what to focus on. I have nasty habbit of getting sucked into in dept research of the wrong bloody thing! Gotta break that habbit eventually. Its ok in personal time, not when theres a deadline!

Cheers Stu

There was an organised strike this week due to some union policatal drama that just wouldnt go away. I think it was over money or something like that. The usual story. However, still suffering from mental breakdowns and major panic attacks i managed to get intouch with stu for a little chat and some helpful guideance. Still confused on the best way to structure, he was kinda enough to share with me the methods he uses. I figure, he's done this before so it must work!

-> abstract
-> intro
-> background
-> lit review
-> meth
-> results and findings
-> discussions
-> summary
-> conclusions
-> further research
-> references
-> bibliography
-> appendix

Tactile 3D

Tactile 3D is a 3D visualisation application developed by “Upper Bounds Interactive”. Tactile 3D sits over a standard operating system (OS) and presents the OS to the user as a 3Denvironment user interface. The program was designed using a series of coding languagesand technologies, for example Open GL (a low level graphics library originally developed by Silicon Graphics1 and is now available for most UNIX graphics workstations and is used inmost 3D games published for PC’s and Macs), and Open AL (an audio rendering library alsoused in games environments for PC’s and Macs).

Who invented the Graphical User Interface (GUI)?

Xerox PARC first developed the technologies and paradigms behind the GUI. Before Xerox’s intervention, research into UI design was conducted by researchers at the StanfordResearch Institute with the development and use of text-based hyperlinks manipulated by amouse/pointing device. Xerox further refined and extended this hypertext system into a graphical system. It was the basis for the primary interface for the Xerox Alto Computer1which the majority of modern day GUI’s are derived from. However, Apple Computers areconsidered the true pioneers and developers of the GUI as they opened up the market in the early 80’s (®ikovsk_ 2003). Another term used for this type of interface is PUI, whichstands for PARC User Interface, which also stands for “Perceptual user interface”(Wikipedia2, 2003).