Saturday, April 29, 2006

Aims and Objectives

- To understand our cognition of a traditional interface
- To gather an understanding of a users emotional response to working in a 3Denvironment
- To discover for future practise the main requirements people ask for in anexemplary interface
- To create a list of advantages of adding the 3rd dimension (i.e. the z axis) to the design of a GUI
- Investigate commercial examples of 3D Graphical User Interfaces
- To create a list of disadvantages of adding the 3rd dimension (i.e. the z axis) to the design of a GUI
- Discuss why 3D should be implemented opposed to 2D in the design of an interfacewith regards to certain tasks
- Discuss why 3D will only (presently) succeed if it is implemented along side 2Delements in an interface.
- Create an interface using 3Ds Max to demonstrate the results of this research
- Produce primary research materials e.g. discussions and questionnaires, case studies- Analyse the results and from that compile a list of new questions


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